27.10.2006. / “Brijačnica” u knjižnici / “Barber shop” in the Library - Ivan Sršen, Robert Mlinarec

 Ivan Sršen i Robert Mlinarec (naklada Mlinarec&Plavić, Zagreb) u Gradskoj knjižnici Zadar u zvučnoj, ugodnoj atmosferi upoznali su ljubitelje glazbe sa Bibliotekom «Br

 On the 27th of October Ivan Sršen and Robert Mlinarec (from the Mlinarec & Plavić Publishers Zagreb) introduced the titles from their "Brijačnica" Edition to Zadar mus

15.05.-10.06.2006 / Izložba fotografija I212NYC / Exhibition I212NYC - Mario Delić

 Mario Delić rođen je u Zagrebu 1971. Krajem osamdesetih počinje se baviti fotografijom. Svoje radove izlaže na nekoliko skupnih i individualnih izložbi. 1990.

 Mario Delic was born in Zagreb in 1971.. He starts taking his first still photos in late 80s. Since than he exhibits his works at several solo and group exhibitions.
