Radovi poznatog ilustratora Igora Jurilja (Yellow Yurija) povodom koncerta dubrovačke grupe Embassy 516. Yellow Yurij svoj crtački stil opisuje kao "vrlo popartističko-cartoonish", što odražava njegove dječačke fascinacije. Inspiriran suvenirima svakodnevice poput glazbe, filmova, serija i knjiga, kroz svoje radove daje komentar na kulturu, postajući njezinim dijelom, umjesto da ju samo promatra. Od 2018. godine surađuje s dubrovačkim bendom Embassy 516 te je autor naslovnica njihovih dosad objavljenih ploča koje čine centralni dio ove izložbe. (Koncert iz ciklusa Urbofon LIve održati će se Centru za kreativne industrije Zadar 16. veljače 2024. s početkom u 21 sat).
The works of the famous illustrator Igor Jurilj (Yellow Yurij) on the occasion of the concert of the Dubrovnik group Embassy 516. Yellow Yurij describes his drawing style as "very popartist-cartoonish", which reflects his boyish fascinations. Inspired by everyday souvenirs such as music, movies, series and books, he comments on culture through his works, becoming a part of it, instead of just observing it. Since 2018, he has been collaborating with the Dubrovnik band Embassy 516 and is the author of the covers of their previously published records, which form the central part of this exhibition. (The concert from the Urbofon LIve series has held at the Center for Creative Industries Zadar on February 16, 2024, starting at 9 p.m.).