Koordinator Američkog kutka Gradske knjižnice Zadar Milko Belevski i Ravnatelj Gradske knjižnice Zadar Ivan Pehar sudjelovali su na Konferenciji Američkih kutaka u Rijeci u organizaciji Američkog veleposlanstva u Zagrebu i Američkog kutka Rijeka u trajanju od 25.09.2008. do 26.09.2008. Tema konferencije:
• Upoznavanje s novim sudionicima
• Pregled stanja i predstavljanje dosadašnjih programa
• Financiranje, izvori i izgradnja fondova AC
• Način rada i suradnje AC hrvatske
• Marketing - organizacija događanja u AC
• Film (dokumentarni, igrani...) – reguliranje autorska prava
• Predlaganje novih programa i projekata
Na konferenciji su razmijenjena iskustva svih sudionika, čuli smo neke nove ideje i mogućnosti za rad i smatramo da je bila korisna za sve sudionike.
Milko Belevski, the Zadar City Library American Corner coordinator, and Ivan Pehar, the Library director, participated at the Croatian American Corners Conference in Rijeka, organized by the American Embassy in Zagreb and The Rijeka American Corner, held on September 25th and 26th 2008. Conference topics:
meeting new participants
reviewing and presenting the programmes
finances, resources and building the AC funds
functioning and cooperation among Croatian American Corners
marketing – organizing events at the AC
film (documentary, feature) – copyright regulation
new programmes and projects
The participants exchanged their experiences; new ideas and working possibilities were suggested, and we find the Conference useful.
Bills are misplaced, but I guarantee that money has been spent in accordance with the grant.