Institut za razvoj obrazovanja (IRO) u suradnji s Americkim kutkom Gradske knjiznice Zadar organizirao je predavanje pod nazivom „The U.S. Affiliates Community in Croatia“. Predavanje je održano u utorak, 21. studenog 2006. u 16:.00h u prostoru Americkog kutka, multimedijalna dvorana u Gradskoj knjiznici Zadar. Glavni cilj predavanja je prezentacija nove internetske stranice Instituta za razvoj obrazovanja namijenjene bivšim studentima i stipendistima američkih sveučilišta i stručnih programa. Informacije o mogućnostima studiranja u SAD-u te predstavljanje programa stipendiranja za studij u SAD-u koje administrira Institut za razvoj obrazovanja prenjela je Ivana Juraga, sistentica u Odjelu za odnose s javnoscu pri Institutu za razvoj obrazovanja.
Institute for the Development of Education - Presentation of the "The U.S. Affiliates Community in Croatia" was organized by the Institute for the Development of Education (IRO) in cooperation with the Zadar Public Library American Corner. The lesson was held on Tuesday, 21st of October at 4 PM at the American Corner in Zadar Public Library Multimedia Room. The main goal of the event was to present the new webpage „The U.S. Affiliates Community in Croatia“ designed for the American universities alumni and alumnae and former fellows in professional programs. Information on opportunities for study and scholarship programs in the US administered by the Institute for the Development of Education were presented by Ivana Juraga, assistant in the Public Relation department at the Institute for the Development of Education.